Uses of Metals - Quiz -

1. Most iron from the blast furnace is made into

a) Steel

b) Aluminium

c) Copper

d) Cheese


2. Steel is used to make

a) Drinks cans

b) Bridges

c) Aircraft

d) Carrier bags


3. Aluminium is used to make

a) Glass

b) Aircraft

c) Wax

d) Honey


4. Copper is used to make

a) Bridges

b) Aircraft

c) Water pipes

d) Carrier bags


5. Stainless steel is used to make

a) Bridges

b) Aircraft

c) Honey

d) Cutlery


6. Solder is used to make

a) Footpaths

b) Glass

c) Connections in electrical wiring

d) Cement


7. Titanium is used to make

a) Hip joint replacements

b) Door knockers

c) Balloons

d) Connections in optical fibres.


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