Acids - Quiz -

1. An acid is any substance that produces

a) Strong burns

b) Metal ions in solution

c) Hydrogen ions in water

d) A red colour in water


2. An example of a strong acid is

a) Ethanoic acid

b) Citric acid

c) Nucleic acid

d) Hydrochloric acid


3. A strong acid is one that

a) Has a high concentration

b) Has a low concentration

c) Is completely ionised in water

d) Is only partly ionised in water


4. A weak acid is one that

a) Has a high concentration

b) Has a low concentration

c) Is completely ionised in water

d) Is only partly ionised in water


5. Do you get more product from a strong or a weak acid?

a) You get more product from a strong acid

b) You get more product from a weak acid

c) You get more product from a hot acid

d) You get the same amount of product
         from either a weak or a strong acid


6. An acid will

a) Have a pH less than 7

b) Have a pH more than 7

c) Turn moist litmus paper blue

d) Turn universal indicator purple


7. An acid is used

a) To stop the road surface freezing

b) To treat steel before painting

c) To repair the ozone layer

d) To speed up global warming


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