Energy Resources - Power Stations
Quiz -

1. Fossil fuels are

a) Free forever

b) Non-polluting

c) Non-renewable

d) A protection against global warming


2. The original source of the energy in fossil fuels is

a) The sun

b) The moon

c) Plants

d) Animals


3. Nuclear power is

a) Renewable

b) Non-renewable

c) Free

d) Causing global warming


4. One disadvantage of nuclear power is

a) The carbon dioxide it produces contributes to global warming

b) The carbon dioxide it produces makes a hole in the ozone layer

c) Large amounts of fuel are needed to produce
         relatively small amounts of energy

d) It produces highly radioactive toxic waste


5. Wind power is

a) Renewable

b) Non-renewable

c) Reliable

d) Generating more electricity than fossil fuels


6. What makes the wind blow?

a) The sun

b) The moon

c) The tides

d) Respiration


7. Hydroelectric power

a) Produces dangerous amounts of hydrogen

b) Produces acid rain

c) Does not cause pollution

d) Is used by everyone because it is safe


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