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The Total Internal Reflection of Light in Prisms.

A right angle prism can be used to change the direction of
a light ray by 90 degrees or 180 degrees.
A prism can also be used to disperse white light into a spectrum.

How is a Right Angle Prism used to
Change the Direction of a Light Ray by 90 degrees?

A right angle prism is used to change the direction of light
by 90 degrees as shown in the picture below.

Total Internal Reflection of Light in a Prism

The light ray enters the prism along a normal and
continues straight on until it hits the back face of the prism.
Total internal reflection occurs here
because light strikes the surface at 45 degrees
which is greater than the critical angle.
The light ray then emerges from the prism along a normal
and so continues straight through the glass surface.

This type of prism can be used in a periscope.

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